Saturday, November 12, 2011

For Kelsey - Sara Winston

Sara Winston graduated from Corcoran last year and is currently pursuing her MFA at Columbia in Chicago. I thought it might be helpful to look at some other student's work concerning their own personal space.

"Worn Out Joy is a testament to domestic life. The photographs convey a view of home, its value, and comforts. Over a period of 9 months, I have investigated the developments of my apartment. Growing up, I was told that the respect and order one shows their living space is directly linked to their self esteem. Do one’s habitats reflect the values of its tenant? This pursuit confronts dilemmas of a fleeting domestic space in the form of personal documentation. "

Here is a link to the rest of her series:


  1. Sweet Jesus, this is beautiful work! Thanks for sharing! I really love the emphais on environment while still showing isolated objects.

  2. and by emphais, i mean emphasis. got a little too excited there.
