Wednesday, August 31, 2011

blog-stalk post

I'm not as much of a blog follower as i should be, but i do like this one. It's mostly editorial fashion photography and stuff of that nature. More of a guilty pleasure that feeds my idealistic tendencies (dreaming of being fancy); i get excited about aesthetics that are pleasing to me, but i've come across some pretty awesome stuff on here :)


  1. ahahaha I get what you mean Alexis. Fashion photos like these are a guilty pleasure of mine as well - I don't really get much out of them, other than purely enjoying a pretty picture with lots of color and flare. I especially like the horizontal image of the girl wearing a floral dress... her face is cut out but her hair is cascading down her front.

  2. Yeah, this is a cool site, I feel like there's a strong connection between the colors and textures in the pictures. I definitely enjoy the style.
