Saturday, August 30, 2014

Liesa Collins - Conceptual Art Sentences

#25 "The artist may not necessarily understand his own art. His perception is neither better nor worse than that of others."

I don't think I could relate to this sentence anymore than I already do. Number one thing I've learned about while being in art school is that people are going to come up with concepts and ideas about a piece of your work that you have never ever considered before. Before this concepts class, I had the mindset of if something looks cool, photograph it. But more and more of my thought processes going into a photograph are becoming an important factor. But in the end, I never can pinpoint what my work actually means. It's meant to stump you; it is meant to keep you asking questions until the end of time. But it is reassuring, for me at least, to know that it is accepted in art society that you can still be an amazing artist and have completely no idea what the hell your work means. Because I sure as hell don't.

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