Monday, September 5, 2011

I Like.

I really like this series: Photographs of Alison.
I think Photography Served is a really good website for finding artists and interesting photographs. I am more prone to compiling a batch of orphaned photographs than a list of names of photographers, which is why I enjoy websites like this because it allows me to follow a trail of photographs that attract my eye, as well as learn the styles of specific artists.

I am really, really obsessed with this project called SALVO! which is a 12-part music video series by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros. It's amazing. This is my favorite song by them so far: 40 Day Dream. I also like the songs Janglin and Home (Home reminds me of Juno). The video of 40 Day Dream looks like a mix between vintage home videos and what I imagine Jesus and his friends would have done if they hadn't spent all their time fasting and washing people's feet, which is wandering around barefoot in the hills, playing pretty music, looking hardcore but also like they need showers, and smiling a lot. I want this band to be my best friends.

I have spent the past two days ploughing through a book called The Red Tent, which so far is the perfect book for me. It's written so beautifully, with the most detailed language I've ever found in a novel - except perhaps for the Kite Runner, which is another favorite book of mine. The Red Tent is about the daughter of Jacob and Leah, who are characters from the Bible. It's really sweet and sad and graphic and lovely. It includes everything that I love to read about - nature, families, animals, religion, travel, rituals, food... I've been meaning to read it since I was 15 and I'm glad I finally got the chance this weekend.


  1. The first few images really reminded me of Sally Mann's stuff but as the girl developed into a young woman, the photos take on a whole new dimension. Its fascinating to see the total transformation of one person documented so throughly.

  2. Photographs of Alison is an intense series. Just thinking about the amount of time and interest devoted to that project blows my mind. I have trouble staying focused on a project for a couple months let a lone that many years. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love SALVO! And Edward Sharpe. I got to meet Alexander once (the lead guy), and it was the most magical moment of my life. He gave me a shirtless hug. And him and Jade are adorable.
    He's doing solo stuff now, which sounds exactly the same as the band stuff. You should look up his first band, it's absolutely terrible, it's like All American Rejects with heroin. (he did actually used to be a raging heroin addict, so the description is appropriate)
