Monday, September 12, 2016

Tatum Shaw

The other night I had gone out to dinner with my grandmother. I had not seen her in a few months even though we live so close together (about 20 minutes). I was really not looking forward to our encounter, which I hate to admit, but she brought up a topic which I couldn't have seen coming. I've never felt very close with my family, so I've always been a little stubborn about hanging around them. My grandmother expressed how important me and my brother's relationship is. She said that he is the only person who can truly understand what I've been through in my life because we have both been there for each other our entire lives. I was wondering what she was getting at but then I realized that she was talking about death in our family and she's going to pass away soon too. 
When I got home I started to think about what she said and I realized how fleeting youth really is and that it's important to share and document these youthful experiences in my life right now of family and friends--because from here things only age and you can never return something to the state it once was. 

This photographer's name is Tatum Shaw from Portland, OR. I think I was drawn to his work because he looks at youth in a very reminiscent way. I want to look further into my girlhood experiences and perhaps connect with others about their childhood experiences as well. If anyone has any artist related to this please share.

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