Sunday, September 4, 2016


Marta Giaccone takes pictures of teenage mother in Wales, Australia. 

"Motherhood is scary, but it happens one day, just some people are younger than others. When I found out I was pregnant I was 15 and I honestly had no clue about anything, I was really blasé about it. My boyfriend tried to force me into getting rid of the baby but I spoke to my mum about it and she said however I felt, so I ended up feeling like keeping her and I wouldn’t change it. I broke up with him, he was cheating on me while I was pregnant, and then after certain things happened I had to go to the police and now he is not allowed direct or indirect contact with me or the baby. I don’t know if he wants to see her, all he’s posting on Facebook is about him and his new girlfriend saying it’s the happiest moment of his life. I just wanna pop his bubble and comment, “And what about your daughter?” "

This series of pictures is very striking to me personally. Being that I'm almost 21 I have just gone through my teenage years and still very young. It's strange to think about these girls being younger than me and going through the same stage of life but with the responsibility of raising a child. It was such an emotional stage in my life for me..I feel I can see what these girls have been through in their eyes.

When the topic of teen pregnancy usually comes up in conversation by happenstance, I cannot say it's positive. The article Be Still, My Heart shares interviews with subjects photographed.It was a reluctant surprise (and relief) to read that some of the girls are very happy with their lives.I'm curious of what the reaction would be with a male or older crowd.


  1. I was wondering if you were interested in this topic ( male and older crowd reaction) as using it for your own because it is so well known. I would be interested in seeing where this topic could grow outside of the obvious photos of teenagers holding there children.

    1. I agree it could be interesting to see more photos documenting the life of the teenage mothers. Seeing in action what challenges they overcome, sacrifices they have to make, responsibilities they take on, how they benefit from having a child ect.
