Saturday, September 3, 2016

TED talk explains what's wrong with us...kind of.

After our recent video with TED talks, I went on a "TED talk spree". They have a "surprise me" option on their app- you select how long you have and what genre of video's and they just play random videos that are up to however long you chose.

 (suggested if you like strange inspirational info that you didn't even know you needed)

Most of Starks talk is about talking to strangers, interesting to hear since I can be quite introverted sometimes. She talks about using perception instead of categories to judge a person. Because after all, judgments are because of a "different" categories that they fit inside.  It sounds like she's talking about us being able to control this part of human brains, which I'm not sure is possible. We all use a balance of our senses and categories, and that makes our final say on how we react to a person. Especially now, more than ever, people are becoming more accepting of things. At least better than before, even though the video about American Reflex says otherwise. One other thing is she said  "using our senses instead of our fears" and my initial thought was "okay, go on." Second thought? "wait... fear IS one of our senses." further proving my point. I love the part where she's talking about short cuts our brains make that lead to "bias" and putting everyone in a box- it's worth a listen. After about 4 minutes 30 seconds she talks only about talking to strangers, so feel free to move on with your life after that.

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