Thursday, November 15, 2012

So this isn't even for anything, but a few of you asked me if I had any audio or video and when I was looking through my hard drive tonight, I found this little clip from 2 years ago. This is a small piece extracted from a bigger interview about something else. Seeing it now makes me understand a lot, because at the time I didn't really realize what effect my attitude had on her, and now she's just repeating what I was doing. Coming across this felt like a solid reaffirmation of why I'm doing this project. I don't know, I just felt like putting it up here since it gave me a revelation and thought people might want to see how things were.


  1. duuuuuuudeee!! we gotta talk about this video.

  2. Oh wow. This is great. Well, it's not a good thing but it's great to see within the context of what you are doing.
