Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Li Hui

Looking through her work reminded me of your concept. A lot of her images tend to play off of feminine identity and memory, I also think that the way you should would lend itself well to color 35mm film.

1 comment:

  1. this is INCREDIBLE, very helpful. A lot of her work reminds me of things I often TRYYyy to emulate (with varying levels of success) but always end up a step behind my original vision...ha, I love how a lot of her images contain rather simple compositions that pack hard punches, it's done so seamlessly. That's something I'm working to get better at. It's super helpful to see work proving that subtlety, contrived or not, leaves a deep impact when done well. (AND she takes pictures of kittens...i consider this a win). Color film, aahhh, I've been looking for an excuse to mess around with it :) This is making me very excited. thank you lauren!!
