Sunday, October 12, 2014

This Week! Artist Post - Adam Landis

Okay y'all, its Sandy Skoglund time.

She's in the history books, so I don't think a bio here is terribly necessary.. though she does currently teach at Rutger's University. Her studio process deals with tedium, copious amounts of tedium. The scenes she would build, scenes like Fox Games or Revenge of the Goldfish, predate photoshop even though they appear as though they certainly had to have been made there. But no. She sat down (maybe? she could have stood) and hand crafted each cat, dog, fox, squirrel for each scene. She meticulously controlled the lighting, color scheme and design of each installation. In the cheesy poofs scene, i find myself overwhelmed by the sheer amount of cheesy poofs. It reminds me that there is a lot you can accomplish before you even get to post process. It also urges me to find more time to deal with the tedium of controlling a frame.

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