Kelsey 4 Kate
"It makes me feel like I'm crazy and over emotional. I'm never actually sure if my emotions are warranted or not. When I have panic attacks it feels like my stomachs in my throat and I can't breathe around it. Sometimes I cry. When I'm alone it's all I can think about. I try to not be alone very often. I'll do something to distract myself from thinking so much. I have to convince myself I deserve things in order to allow myself to have them. Part of my anxiety is not being sure if I deserve what I'm given. I'm always feeling guilty. I place a lot of pressure on myself to be right. And I'm not so that makes me feel it."
I think this picture and text go well together because of Jamie's body language and her expression - she looks as though she's trying to think of how to put her anxiety into words. And maybe it's because I know her so well, (and I know this is cheesy, but just go with it) but I can feel the moment. I can feel her pausing before each sentence, gauging whether or not her next comment is necessary, comprehensible, or even okay to say aloud. But I think I'd have a similar reaction to a photograph of and a quote from someone else. I think this is a really effective pairing of image and words.