Saturday, October 8, 2011

Response to Fischer Article

When looking at any two opposites there are multiples of grey areas that come between the two extremes and are composed by them. I do believe it is possible to succeed and to fail, but most of the time validity of either is compromised by what aspect is being considered. Say you succeed in having a baby; you may fail to have a blonde baby, or a 8.5 lb baby, but you succeeded in having a baby nonetheless. Say you are told to paint a duck purple and you paint it blue. You failed in the task, but you succeeded in painting the duck. You even painted the duck partially purple because blue is an element of that color. But to fit the extreme is nearly impossible. I agree with Fischer in the sense that one of the few ways to achieve either extreme is by certainty and intention. Knowledge is very black and white in this sense. You either know something or you don't, again there are exceptions but to have an understanding of something at all is very different than not being aware.

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