Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Black Lives Matter Art

Above I attached and article from the Washington Post that serves as a catalog for some very powerful pieces that emerged from the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. I think this is an interesting subject matter to inspire art. I agree with the movements message obviously as every person should. However, there is a semi-counter movement that has sprung up since the BLM. They preach "All Lives Matter" in fact some people have gone as far as to say that BLM is engaging in some form of racism by only making it about them. I personally think this idea is ludicrous, mostly because black Americans have been disenfranchised and systematically put in a situation with disadvantages since the conception of our country. But I wonder what the class thought about this? obviously everyone should be "all lives matter" but does that mean that the current way some black Americans are attempting to self preserve is unfair to every other ethnicity? And further more I have thought about making art on the subject, but am hesitant to do so because I am a white American and will not ever have that perspective or know the black struggle. What would be the best way for me to create with this subject in mind?

The article is a good read and the pieces are fantastic. Many of which were more poster type art combining printed word and drawings. Very similar to protest poster made during the late 60's and early 70's. This causes me to think of the extremely clear similarities between now 2016 and the civil rights movements of the 60's.

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