Thursday, January 23, 2014

Andie Younkin - Artists

Not all of his photographs connect to my work emotionally, but one photograph in perticular - "Sisters, Albany, New York" - is the one that struck me the most. It is a portrait of two sisters and you can tell how close they are in the picture. I want my photographs to tell connections between people.     

Her works revolve around her family and places that she grew up in - her past and history.

The thing I appreciate most about him is his ability to accurately describe a scene or culture.

Wee Gee
His photo collection contains portrais of strangers or dead people in a very forward flash style and I like to photograph people and places that are close or familiar to me and I almost always use natural lighting.

I love his use of natural light and photographing people in their own natural environment. Everything looks candid and all of the subjects look comfortable. I do not photograph in black and white usually but I can imagine if his photographs were in color, they would look similar to my style.

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