Sunday, March 30, 2014


Jeff Wall

I've known and admired Jeff Wall's work for a while now, but it wasn't until I seen a youtube video this week of him speaking about an exhibition he had put on where he described how he seen images as singular and not in relation to other images. This has started to make me think about how or even if I should try and sequence the images I am starting to collect for concepts.  The sort of confusing nature of the project may actually benefit from having images far apart and separate from each other..

However, this is acting in contrast to another influence I have been affected by recently that is in relation to the harmony blog post from a couple of months ago, I got an email reply from Bryan Schutmaat and his response has really opened up my train of thought in terms of sequence.

Moving forward I plan on using this conflict of thought to explore the best way to present my project keeping it's context and aesthetic value in mind and hopefully this will produce my first ever sequenced series.

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