Sunday, March 2, 2014

Whitney - Anderson Paragraph

I feel like a lot of what we focused on while looking at work was how it lived in the museum itself: how it was displayed, why the images chosen to display were chosen, who has to approve a show, etc. I found the Tulsa images particularly intriguing simply based on the way they engaged such a conversation about an "ethics" of photography. The question of interaction with subjects was brought up by someone wondering how the photographer continues a relationship with a subject post-photograph. I found that I had a lot that connected with Latoya Ruby Frazier's work though I found her work doesn't always appeal to me personally. I can definitely acknowledge that there is a correlation between her and my interest in people and nature and family/heritage. The concept of environment is carried through Ester Partegas' work on the first floor, which included manmade landscapes.

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