Sunday, October 5, 2014

Richard Billingham - yo Lexi look at this, it's for you

This is my artist post, but it's also for Lexi.

Do you know Richard Billingham? He shoots some disturbing fucking stuff, but it's all his family life, specifically the relationship between his parents. Here's some of his work : Richy Billywilly

I was just sitting here and randomly remembered his work and thought you may want to see it. The photos are, in my opinion, waaaaaaay darker than what I've seen of your stuff thus far, but I think it starts to touch on a point that Jed Hoon AKA Shane was saying about really getting into the your parents relationship if you want to keep shooting them. From the small amount I've seen of Billingham the relationship between his family members seem strained. The strong flash and seemingly bold disregard for traditional compositions creates a weird, uncomfortable environment the viewer has trouble getting out of, pulling you into the mindset of a child stuck in an abusive home. I know this isn't what you generally try to do, but I do think that Billingham is someone you might be able to learn from, even if you wouldn't expect it. Or maybe Im dead wrong! who knows. Take a look and enjoy.

Also, I feel like Natalie could get something from this. it's that flash i reckon.

EDIT: god I just looked through the whole album again and I feel like I need to shower. I feel like Billingham's work forces us to empathize with people we really don't want to. The relatable aesthetic of the home picture makes us find bits of our history in this bizarre fucking family. Some of these are so strange, I wonder if Billingham had trouble seeing his family like this, and then distancing himself enough to actually make it art. That blows my mind, how someone could resign from the scene enough to photograph it. Odd, truly.

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