Monday, October 8, 2012

Firstly, here is my song. It may be a bit dramatic for my topic, but it came to mind when I was thinking about it. Cancer by My Chemical Romance.

The last book I read is called Audrey Hepburn: An Intimate Portrait, by Diana Maychick. At this point, my concept was about secrets and things that people keep to themselves. This biography could not have applied to that concept more. Audrey Hepburn is an incredibly famous actress, known as a style icon and a role model for girls everywhere. You wouldn't think that she had an incredible difficulty with eating, and was never comfortable with her own appearance. It's not common knowledge that she spent much of her adolescence starving in WWII, and acting as a spy between resistance groups. Hepburn's popular image is not very deep, rarely going farther than her style and kind personality. Yet she has so much underneath all of that. It was eye opening to read about how this person whom many idolize for somewhat superficial reasons, is actually very troubled and had a dark past. The book made me realize that everyone has secrets and things they keep hidden, even the people whom you'd never guess it from.

However, my concept has since evolved. I realized that many peoples' secrets are actually invisible illnesses or impairments. Now, I am working with that. The next book I am reading is called Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired: Living with Invisible Chronic Illness by Mary E. Siegel. After that, I plan on reading some books about mental illnesses, as I am including them within my topic.

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