Monday, October 8, 2012


Three images:

A few weeks I was reading anything I could find on the internet about white supremacists, the KKK, divinely-driven white nationalists, and biographies of the leaders of groups associated with these groups. I was driving myself to such extreme anger and/or tears reading the accounts of these people that I perceive to be so thoroughly hateful and ignorant. As many hours as I spent doing that, I'm sure I attracted the attention of the FBI. I found though, that all that research was doing was making me angry and upset. I had no idea how to approach the project I had in mind (sending a quick email, being invited to a secret KKK meeting because my email was just THAT charming, documenting the whole thing with the utmost skill, becoming a photojournalist hero, etc). I clearly needed to change my approach. So I guess, besides perhaps getting me on a red-flagged list with the government, doing all of that research helped me to see that I needed to CHILL and change my approach a bit. It allowed me to see that doing something not-so-Xtreme was not necessarily less worthy.

Since taking that turn, I have revisited my old journals from when I lived in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, a town that is composed of 75% white people. I grew up in Chapel Hill so I have been trying to trace where my interest/anger regarding this subject stems from; I thought looking to the past might provide some answers. I've been looking through old yearbooks and notes, too. The process has led to some important realizations for me about how narrow my view and understanding of racial diversity among Americans was growing up.

I can see how those two "readings" could seem like BS I just made up. But I have really been putting a lot of time into this. Nevertheless, I could definitely use some suggestions for books. Anything?

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