Monday, October 8, 2012

Song // Readings

"The Revolution Will Be Streaming"

Past Reading: "The Glass Castle" by Jeanette Walls
This book was an incredible read, and it was great to constantly be trying to look for ways to relate it to my concept. While it didn't directly relate to mine, reading about how the author talked about relationships was helpful in giving me ideas of how to verbalize my concept. Also, seeing how she dealt with the relationships in the book as complicated bonds rather than one-dimensional gave me food for thought since that is something that I've been getting in the crits lately and been thinking about how to change.

Current Reading: "On Photography" by Susan Sontag
This is a suggested reading for my other Digital I class, so I'm not sure if it counts, but it has cleared my head in more ways than one when it comes to the way I think about photography. There are all these vague thoughts I've had about the different topics of photography and it's as if the author took all of them and voiced them in clear and concise sentences. Reading the book so far has helped me understand or rethink what happens leading up to the shutter click, and how there is so much psychology behind why people do and don't take a photo of something. Overall it's just been good to think about the purpose of pictures and ask myself what motivations or purposes I have with my concept.

This wasn't required, but I've also been looking at some photo books to see how photographers dealt with building a series of images:

Echolilia: Sometimes I Wonder by Tim Archibald: I've owned/loved on this book for almost a year now, but it's interesting seeing it in a different light as I look at it for my concept.  Reading his interview in the back of the book was really insightful to hear about his process, how things evolved naturally, and the collaboration between him and his son. It was also good to study the different ways he investigated the relationship, through notes and objects scattered throughout the book.

Los Alamos by William Eggleston: Spent some time with this one at the library to look at his use of color film, since I was getting ready to shoot last weekends pictures on color medium format (which I'll get back from Action Photo on Wednesday.)

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