Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Football in Art


It's that time of year again when the football season is starting up and raging fans, like me, are spending mass quantities of time in front of a television cheering their heads off. However, a popular social conversation began a few years ago when research emerged about a new disease that has been linked to playing football. The disease is called CTE and effects the brain. It has caused the image of leagues such as the NFL to take a hit and has sparked conversation amongst fans and players alike. This time of year makes me think of the stereotype of artists not necessarily being football fans (or atleast the hippy stereotype). And I've noticed that there isn't necessarily a lot of fine art made about football and its social impact, with the exception of some sports photography. Do you think the art community is missing an opportunity to bring the awareness to the CTE issue as it does with so many other social issues?

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