Sunday, August 31, 2014

Adam Landis - sentences on conceptual art

20. " Successful art changes our understanding of the conventions by altering our perceptions."

This sentence makes me feel excited, eager even, to make more art. I love the idea of changing the perceptions of the people around me by exposing them to a work of art. That makes art, some but not all, powerful and meaningful, it gives us purpose as artists to be more than creators of pretty wall hangers and cute cat pictures. Altering the perceptions of a group can influence them to challenge their instinctual reactions to things, and remolding them into better people or redirecting their animosity in a positive direction. Like how a crowd of protesters who disagree with a thing can be noise, but that same crowd rallying behind representational media that supports their cause gives them the power to cause the opposition to introspect and possibly open up to change. It is hard to ignore art. Personally, I want my art to inspire change in others. I feel that should be the "point" to what I do.

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