Sunday, August 31, 2014

Taylor Stevenson: Robin Wong

As I was searching through my old photos and trying to figure out how to describe or at least categorize my photography I came across an interesting post by Robin Wong. I was trying to see if me classifying my aestic as being a snapshot was corret and was particurally interested in how he defined a snapshot as being personal. Wong writes:

          “They record a personal history and are very important for that reason, but only to people who know the people and places in the photos. Technical quality is less important than capturing the people and place in time. Digital point and shoots are ideal for this purpose.”

I gravitate to this statement because I shoot to document what is happening right then. I focus more on the event that is happening and not so much of how am capturing it, i literally shoot and go and the images with subjects are family members who i feel comfortable with. As I continued to read his blog I began to think if my work is nothing but snapshots does it mean I am not a photographer. Wong describes a “good photo” as a photo that grabs anyone’s attention without any personal or other history. But snapshots can also capture moments in the peak stage, where the action hasn’t happened yet and since this state isn’t often recorded but when it creates an interesting dialeget between the artist and the viewer. 

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