Sunday, August 31, 2014

Natalie Kohlhepp - Sentences on Conceptual Art.

  1. "The artist cannot imagine his art, and cannot perceive it until it is complete."

    For whatever reason this comes as a relief to me. So often I'll imagine my work, what it will look like and what it will say and in the end it has shifted and become something different. I feel the need to control what I am creating even though that is in direct opposition to what I believe about  the nature of creating art. I guess I end up fighting my own beliefs when it comes to sitting down and making something real. I'm not sure if we have talked about it specifically in this class yet, but in one of Shane's classes I know that we have talked about the benefit of series and the unconscious. The beautiful thing about working in a series is the freedom to pursue an idea in multiple ways, and how similarities and meaning will arise the more ardently you follow an idea. 

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