Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hannah Nees - Sentence Response

"It is difficult to bungle a good idea"

I believe that this sentence currently applies to a lot of our peers. Many of us have great ideas that we would love to put forth, but we either just don't know how to do it or we are afraid to. I find myself thinking about all the places I would love to photograph at night but the motivation is hard to find. Taking photographs at night is much more difficult than it seems, since you have to go out at the exact right time of night where the sky is as close to black as possible. Then, once I drive to the spot which I would like to photograph, I find myself too afraid to leave my car. I feel that everyone has their own definition of what it means to "bungle", or carry out, a good idea. Whether it be not knowing how to go about making the photograph, or knowing how to make the photograph but not being able to once you get there.

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