Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hannah Nees - Weekly Artist Post - Troy Paiva

Troy Paiva is a fine art photographer that has been working on his light painting photography since 1989. The entirety of his series, "Lost America", is based off his view of himself as an urban explorer. Much of Paiva's time is spent alone in the middle of nowhere capturing abandoned parts of the west. He has written a book titled, "Night Vision: The Art of Urban Exploration", where he details his process of light painting.

I find a lot of inspiration in Troy Paiva's photography, because of how similar our works seem to be. Though I just stared my exploration of the night, I have a deep interest in using LED lights and filters to create absurd colors in my photographs. Though many of his photos are of cars (which I am not particularly interested in), I find his abandoned building photography to be especially interesting.

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