Saturday, August 23, 2014

James Quinlan - Weekly Artist Post

I chose to link to Florian Maier Aichen's photographs. While I can't really think of any artist that wholly resonates with me, Florian's stuff probably gets closest. I think this is because he does a lot of landscape work which is something that continues to interest me more and more. He has many different series of work that vary drastically in their process and intent. What I'm interested most in is his landscapes of LA and the surrounding valleys. because he photographs each site three times in B/W with colored filters then overlays the images to create a color image of the scene with slight discrepancies that arise from subtle shifts in the subject material, like clouds of vehicles. It's really kooky stuff. Most of his work however revolves around the idea of photography not accurately representing reality, which is something I strongly believe in; that photographs cannot capture elements of reality, but still truth.

EDIT: In looking back on the post I want to clarify what I mean by photographs not being able to capture elements of reality but of truth. What I mean is that a photograph cannot perfectly describe what it is of. A photo of a knife is not a knife, but the fear of being cut exists (is brought to mind) in both the actual object and the picture.

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