Sunday, October 9, 2016

Molly Landreth

I’ve recently been interested in learning how to become a more empathetic person as well as obtaining the ability to listen to someone’s personal truths without any judgment. I think this is such a simple thought but actually understanding and executing it in day to day life is far more challenging. Its not even just accepting a persons beliefs, even though that is a huge part of it, but it is also accepting a persons appearance without judgment. In order to do this of course I have to start with some research.  I started by looking at Walker Evans, a street photographer who documented people in the great Depression. One of his goals in his work was to show people as they really were no matter how shocking and brutal they were. Then I Found Molly Landreth. I found her when reading an article about whether or not permission is needed when photographing models on the street or in the studio. She believes that it is very crucial to her process in creating a connection with her models. Connection is the key word that fascinates me about her work and I think it is most accurately represented in her series Embodiment done in 2004. In this series she does exactly what Evans did, photographed people as they are. She focused on showing the rawness of the queer community while emphasizing relationships and connections the people she photographed have with others. She did a similar thing in her series Queer Brighton however I personally prefer the images from Embodiment more. Ill Link her website below!    

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