Monday, October 3, 2016

art work with textiles and considering relationships- textile arts center

I've been thinking a lot about being drawn to fabric and what options there could be for me. Starting from the top I started looking at ideas of fabrics that we have come into contact with since we came into this world. quilts, clothing, decorations, towels, rugs, shoes, furniture, etc.  Considering mostly the relationships that we have with these different materials and how they could possibly be changed? I'm not exactly sure where I would even like to go with this

After further doing research I found this link that had a lot of great information:

some of the information may have helped me figure out WHY I have such an intimiate experience

with cloth materials. Julia Elsas, Untitled, 2011

This particular piece of art struck me. Maybe mostly do to the color, but also interesting in her way of reshaping and re-thinking women's undergarment and the experience that we have with them. I'm very interested to continue searching for artwork and viewpoints on using cloth to create an experience that not only relives your old experience with the fabric, but ties in new ones.

"Humans are the only species so entirely dependent upon, and deeply intertwined, with cloth. Our relationship with this material begins moments after birth, and one might even propose that cognizance of cloth is simultaneous with that of our own skin. Consciously or unconsciously, textiles play a role in our daily lives, on a spectrum equivalent to the diversity of our human experience."

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy the quote you included at the end of this thought, I've never taken the time to consider my personal dependence on cloth until now - funny because I'm sitting in sweats and a flannel all wrapped up in my sheets and giant comforter. I think that this is a really interesting idea to pursue in your work, especially considering your last piece where you printed on the canvas. I'm excited to see where you go with this!
