Monday, October 24, 2016


Anastasia Samoylova's work is insanely beautiful and simple in process (sort of) but complicated in "final product" 

She starts by picking a random word of phrase and then she does a google search of that word. She selects and curates a series of images that she's found online regarding that word or phrase, and then she prints those images. Kind of like what Penelope Umbrico does. She then proceeds to Cut up, bend, fold, obstruct, reflect, and configure these images into sculptural elements that she composes in a studio. You get these crazy mind bending sort of sculptures. She also kind of reminds me of Daniel Gordon.

Im interested in her because of the way she uses materials to create such mind bending and intricate compositions. My work seems really chaotic right now, which i like, but i'm also curious to see what would happen if were to consider composition and negative space a bit more.

Also her work, for me, is a new way of looking at the idea of landscapes. Which has been a not so explored consistent theme in my work thus far.

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