I've attached a link to an article that lists, in their opinion, the top 50 straight photographers that are out making work today. In the work I make from here on out I hope to emulate some of these artists. One of the artists that I specifically enjoy is Zach Arias. He photographs moments that could in some way show tension, but the compositions he uses along with the way his subjects interact create a very corky and humorous tone over his work.
I often try and make work with humor in it, however I think sometimes I try to hard to make something that looks funny but the work doesnt really allude to a greater narrative or concept. Arias does this in a very seem less. For example this image I added above alludes to the narrative of shielded children who are seeing things they normally wouldn't cause they're in the big city. I feel as though these children, like many, would probably have had their eyes covered by their parents when ever naked flesh came across the TV. This makes me laugh because you can see excitement in the children's faces and you get the sense that these children are maybe seeing something they normally wouldn't be allowed to. All though at first I think it's funny I then start thinking about how fucked up it is that we as children, for the most part, are taught that naked flesh is something that should be covered up. I personally think it's odd that nakedness does make the greater public uncomfortable, so much that we have laws to prevent nakedness. Then I start thinking about movements like 'Free the Nipple' that discusses this exact idea but in a much more serious way. I think for those reasons this work is incredible. I don't know how much the rest of the class enjoys street photography but I know this article could be a great jumping off point to start research on interesting ways to make "Street Photography"
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